CorrMagnet provides consulting services, develops software products, and conducts training programs to control corrosion of oil and gas industry infrastructures.
Joint Industry Project (JIP):Pipeline Integrity Management
- To develop a template to effectively and economically select, implement, and improve on “Pipeline Integrity Management (PIM)” program
- To enable the integrity professionals to articulate their success in the PIM
- To empower them with defendable justification for optimum sources (data and human resource) for carrying out their activities
- Streamline data collection process and include design-making process as an integral part of data collection, i.e., integration of “data” to “decision”
- Estimate optimal human resource and their competency requirements for carrying out various integrity management activities.
- Template for selection and implementation of PIM activities that would exceed PHMSA’s mega rule, NACE SP 21430, and Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA)’s Pipeline Engineer Competency System
- Better understanding of human factors contributing to risk escalation
- Justifications for optimal human resources and their competency requirements for PIM activities
- Identification of opportunities to reduce integrity management cost for up to 30%
- Better understanding of what activities of PIM work best in the field; what activities require additional efforts; and what activities are to be discontinued
- Demonstration of the success of the program with one case study per sponsoring company
- STEM_Risk_Pipeline™ software to facilitate various PIM activities.
For more information and to receive full JIP proposal contact: