CorrMagnet provides consulting services, develops software products, and conducts training programs to control corrosion of oil and gas industry infrastructures.
CorrMagnet provides technically accurate,technologically enabled, practically feasible, and economically manageable solutions to control internal and external corrosion of :
- Oil and gas production systems
- Transmission pipelines
- Storage tanks
- Refinery infrastructures
- Distribution systems
- Develop comprehensive corrosion management program
- Perform Direct Assessments (DA)
- Internal
- External
- Stress-corrosion cracking
- Develop appropriate mitigation strategies
- Select and evaluate corrosion inhibitors for internal corrosion protection
- Select and evaluate coatings for external corrosion protection
- Select monitoring, survey, and inspection techniques and determine the frequency at which they should be run
- Analyze data to prioritize maintenance and repair activities or to identify other suitable solutions
- Review integrity management and corrosion management programs and identify opportunities for improvement
- Audit the corrosion management programs
- Identify suitable vendors and their products for particular corrosion service or solution
- Mentor and groom young professionals
- Develop and evaluate next-generation solutions for corrosion control
Contact CorrMagnet today to develop your corrosion control solutions: